We all know what happened to Lot's wife...
We cannot proclaim to be Christians and then continue to live a life that is dictated by the world and the "somewhats" of it; being a true, born-again believer in Jesus Christ means putting off our old self and putting on the new, whose first Love and only Master is Jesus Christ who we say we believe in.
We cannot serve two masters, and the world is in a dedicated battle to sway our allegiance- we must be MORE dedicated to Jesus than the world is to distracting us from Him. And that will take discipline, prayer, sold-out faith, a set apart lifestyle, tuning our hearts to sing HIS praise, and taking our thoughts captive in order to cultivate HIS mind within us.
Who are you serving today?
Who do your actions, words, and thought patterns indicate you are serving today?
Be willing to take a personal inventory and acknowledge what areas of your life may need to be adjusted, surrendered, or rededicated.
We can never come to Jesus - humbly and repentant and willing to be taught - enough.
His arms are always open.
Fix your eyes on Him, exclusively.