

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Friday, January 29, 2021

Fanny's Hope Chest: A Review

A little different than my normal posts - my reviews mostly get posted to my review blog - but I want to spread the word about this revolutionary short story here as well!

This little story is bigger than it seems and is itself a hope chest of sorts.

I know I needed to read Ellie and Fanny's stories, and that any other woman (whatever your age) who is struggling or has ever struggled with singleness will be encouraged both by the feeling of not being the "only one" like we so often lament, but also by the exhortation and truth that remind where our hope must be founded.

I appreciated that while the reminders are clear and helpful, the reality of this being a real, ongoing, emotional rollercoaster for many is also there! The reminder isn't a "one and done", and we should never feel - and certainly not make others feel - like there is weakness or shame in needing a word of encouragement, understanding, and ultimately perspective-adjustment now and then and even often. God talks so much about desires and His comfort and provision during times of loneliness, despair, frustration, and discouragement that I think it's safe to say He knew this would be an area His children would need Him and His Word often.

That being said, read this! It's a quick read but flows well and is packed with so much emotion, truth, and restoration.

Follow this link to the Amazon listing! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Humility > Success

The first step to going far in life is being humble enough to admit that you have a ways to go.

Pride WILL lead to downfall (though not always right away)

God WILL exalt the humble (though not always right away)

Think about it.

Proverbs 16:18 ~ Matthew 23:12 ~ 1 Peter 5:6

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Work in Progess, an Update

UPDATE on my new WIP!

I'm so thrilled to be starting on this project! After going back and forth between it and another idea for awhile, and praying for direction and then having this one basically start itself, I feel excitement and anticipation for whatever purpose the Lord has for this work that He has been bringing together during my time in His Word. I would love to be in your prayers as I step into this process, that it would honour and glorify Him, and make a difference in at least one persons life.

In short, "M4P" (my secret-mission sounding project name until further notice 😉) will be a devotional, covering a wide range of topics and incorporating scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. I'm super pumped to be digging into the Bible so closely in this effort, and know that this will be a process that works over me just as much if not more than I'm hoping it may be used to work in others.

Bonus update:

Tucked under the journal in this photo is an incredibly rough sketch of concept cover art that I have 1)intentionally left unseen because it's horrible, and 2)actually begun working with a richly talented artist and friend to transform my concept into something beautiful, so be looking for that reveal in the weeks ahead. Yay!

Consider yourself updated. 😄

Monday, January 18, 2021

Meet & Greet

As there's quite a few of you newer than not to the Element, here's a little Monday meet and greet!

My name is Caity- surprise- although it was just as nearly Natalie until a nurse finally told my parents they had to just choose one and my dad wrote this one down. (I'm kinda glad. No offense, if your name is Natalie. ;))

I'm an introvert, which basically means (in my case) that I have a louder written presence than physical, and social interactions - while I do (usually) enjoy them - simply tire me out quickly.

I have strong opinions about pretty much everything but for the most part I'm a listener. Learning to speak up more when it matters.

Writing has truly helped shape and firm up who I am as an individual. There's a quote from/on the back cover of my book that says "A revolution not spoken is a revolution in theory only, and can be blown away by the simplest breath of comfort." This space is where my revolution gets spoken; and once you speak something- declaring that it means enough to you to be spoken- it becomes a personal, important piece of you that you have to take ownership of, and doing so has stretched and prodded me and my comfort zone, which I'm grateful for. I'm also grateful for each of you who take the time to read what I share!

Most importantly, my sins have been paid for by Jesus' shed blood and grace, and my true home is in Heaven.

Feel free to share something random about yourself in the comments!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The God Who Is

"Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things."

Joel 2:21

This verse is really encouraging me right now!

There are newer versions that replace "will do" with "has done"...excuse you, but my God is still working today, thank you. ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Worship vs "Worship"

Dear Christian,

If you can only worship to music, you're worshipping the music.

Worship is the overflow of a heart postured in awe and gratitude for all God has done and all that He is; it's surrender...acknowledging our smallness and His greatness.

Music is instituted (though not necessary) to accompany our praise and to quiet our minds and hearts toward worship. If the music is not such as to accomplish this...it's most likely catering to the feelings of the flesh.

Worship takes place as we dwell on His goodness and love, but also on His grace and sacrifice in spite of our sins.

If your church is where you go to hear and be moved by some good beats, feel a good feeling, and get affirmation, I'm sorry to inform you, but you've essentially missed church; this better describes a club.

Church should encourage you, surely, but to live set apart and differently from the world, not indulge your feelings; it should humble you and work growth in you, not just satiate your self esteem.

True worship will bring us to our knees in recognition of who God is, while modern "worship" too often adheres to our self-obsessed culture in trying to make us feel better about who we are.


Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

Boarding 2021 with these two goals:

To steward well,

And travel light.

Not taking people, opportunities, or blessings for granted...rather, investing, making the most of, and being grateful for what and who the Lord brings and gives; learning what I can and using the niche He has created me with to further the truth and extend His love and grace first and foremost.

Not carrying everything (material and immaterial) with me and losing what's important from my overstuffed and strained arms, but holding loosely what cannot be controlled and having arms ready to take on or give up what He sees best...being an enthusiastic sightseer of all God is doing and working in my life and around me along the way, as the breezes of wonder and humility bring exclamations of worship and praise from my mouth as the waves of circumstances and experience roll by unhindered by worries and doubt.

God is at the helm, He orchestrates each ebb and wave, and there is no storm He hasn't seen both sides of.