

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Monday, August 31, 2020

Wallpapered Soul

How a designer/homeowner chooses to cover their walls sets the tone for an entire space.

What words and thoughts are "wallpapering" the structure of your heart, mind, and soul?

Are they true, just, lovely, pure, of good report, virtuous and full of praise?

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bravely Uncomfortable

Don't accept crutches for illusionary hindrances towards what God has called us to do and be.

Do the uncomfortable, bravely.

"Set apart" never meant glass encased and handled with kid gloves.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

How To Make An Ocean Rise

The domino effect when we stand up for what's right and someone who believes in the same takes notice and finds within themselves the courage and inspiration to also stand up for what's right...

And before you know it, you have an army for truth.

A difference worth making will never only impact one person.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Warning: Contains Unpopular Opinion

Hello there!

It's me! Here to tell you that

I am not enough.

Hallelujah, I'm not enough.

It's not an excuse, nor is it a weight...it's a relief and a burden lifted, and warrants my service and praise.

I must strive to be more, surely-

More like Jesus

More loving

More set apart

More sold out for the Gospel

But I can never be "enough"; this was our plight from the beginning.

This was why Jesus came to earth and offered Himself as the sinless sacrifice for our sins. Because I wasn't enough, and I needed Him. I DO need Him. Even in striving to be more I will need God's help every moment.

If we had to be enough, we would spend our every waking moment in our attempts and the truth of the Gospel- salvation through grace, not works- would never be shared (and we wouldn't believe it ourselves); it wouldn't even be true for we would have to work to be enough to be saved! and since truth is truth and this claim isn't part of it, this claim is merely a crutch.

To concern myself and exert my energy on being enough when I can never hope to be, is to take my time away from becoming more for Him and sharing His love with others, and to take my focus away from how He was more than enough and still is today.

It should never matter to me that I be enough, but that He is, and that I honour Him for it and tell others how HE was enough for me, not vice versa.

To say I am enough is to discount His work on the cross, for it says that now that He has taken care of the hard part I can handle the living part and meeting His expectations on my own.

To believe that I am enough is to believe a lie.

We ought to pray that our lives are a testimony of God's goodness and of His ability to be more than enough for me when I come short- which I cannot help but do, for I have sinned, and any one sin is sufficient to keep me from reaching the mark, but opens the door for me to acknowledge my lack and accept Jesus' free gift of salvation and His grace which enables me to ever strive to be more, that He might be glorified in my life.

We will start to see a change in our outlook and the impact of our revolution when we start saying "enough about me; rather, He is enough."

I Love You A Latte

brown sugar cinnamon✱

Thursday, August 27, 2020

"It Is Time to Dare"



Challenge the culture we live in that prescribes ease and comfort for every malady...be it real or convinced.

Stop accepting crutches.

Run with patience the race...God has already overcome every obstacle, whether by removing it...or placing a purpose within it.



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Reminder: He is Able

Just your Wednesday reminder that God is still on His throne! 

He is still working.
He is still in control.
He is still able to do above and beyond what we ask or even think.
Don't let the fears take root; God has already overcome them, so to re-plant them would be disrespectful.
Please Him in this time.
Please Him by spending time with Him, relying on Him, and trusting His promises.

(Another great phone wallpaper that I found on Pinterest! ⇾)

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

True Love Doesn't Justify

I think we too often use "loving" someone as an excuse to let them be and stay stuck in the ruts we often dig for ourselves, without ever speaking up and challenging growth in their life (as we should be willing for them to do for us as well), when that's not truly showing love at all...if you love someone, you will want what is best for them- even if that means figuratively (or literally, if need be!) stepping on their toes, splashing them with cold water, and all that jazz.
Love is willing to kindly, patiently, honestly say "Yo. Wake up; get moving. But don't worry, I'm coming with you."

Ravens and Reality

There's a timeless charm in sending hand written notes and letters across all the miles, that makes a friend feel closer and more precious than any number of texts.


I think a lot can be learned from Wonderland about making the most out of the mundane; of taking time to make connections; and Alice's ability to speak up with truth and confront her nonsensical surroundings with a fresh dose of reality.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

When Good Men Do Nothing

This is one of my favourite quotes. (I love it so much I featured it in GR!)
It is truly inspiring when one is willing to face the reality of it.
What an easy thing...to do nothing...
May we make it a priority in our lives to never be found doing nothing.
Thankfully, God is still the ultimate Overcomer, and His work is not deterred by our weakness.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mission Statement

 "These that have turned the world upside down..." Acts 17:6

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Real Time Aesthetic

Hello! Here's a throwback to when I still had long hair and still tried to take selfies in the wind. :P

Thought I would share just a few random things today! (As if it hasn't all been random.)

  • I love old books. (And new books.)
  • I love oversized sweaters and the smell of rain.
  • I love the first blast of air conditioning in my car when it's hot outside. (But love driving with the windows down even more.)
  • I love the real time aesthetic of simple luxury that sitting in Olive Garden with a Michael Buble song playing quietly above and around me and my pasta evokes.
  • I enjoy best the things that carry meaning and sentiment. A material possession isn't worth possessing in this life if there is not some symbolism behind it that represents part of your story.

Hosted by Joy

Be sure to check out the Pinterest link at the top right of the Home screen for more quotes from "Gentle Revolution", as well as other similar topics!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Crown of Beauty Magazine Interview!


I am beyond excited to share this fun interview with you, put together by the ladies over at Crown of Beauty Magazine! Click on the link or image to head over to their site and get to know more about "Gentle Revolution", its backstory, and the scribbler. ;)
(Also, loving this image they designed to go with it!)

Eschew "Busyness"


We make time for what is important.

Let's eschew the cultural glorification of being "too busy"...and then complaining about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Home Is Where You Set Your Anchor

Your space should be infused with who you are and the things that make up the story of your life.
If your home is filled with what looks good or is popular and trending vs the things that you love or hold meaning to you, it will be like living in someone else's story...
You'll feel uncomfortable and unsettled (as you should if trying to live as someone else...)
Those who enter your home will feel that you are insecure in it, at the same time that they get a skewed view of who you are.
Your home should be an authentic reflection of those living in it.
And - just like you - your house will never be perfect; don't wait to fill your house with the elements that make it home right now.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Stay Creative

I got inspired by a block of excess wood from my moms new garden structure and painted some mountains {one of my favourite things} on a whim one day during quarantine!

On beautiful days- when the sun is shining and there's a breeze- this is when I feel the need to get creative and try new things! Otherwise...I generally prefer observing other people's creative results. ^_^

What is your creative outlet, or something creative you've tried on a whim in 2020?

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Hushed & Silent

"Open thy mouth for the dumb (unable/unwilling to speak) in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

-Proverbs 31:8-9-

(Italicized, mine)

I haven't spoken much on this topic here as I've been mainly transferring over older posts, but if you follow my social media you may know that I have lately begun sharing and speaking up more on the issue of human trafficking; while I don't believe we should immerse ourselves in the doings of wicked and evil-influenced people - the Bible cautions against this - I also don't believe we should turn a blind eye or condone them either, for the sake of the helpless (as the above scripture plainly addresses), and when it involves/effects our children, it becomes more than a "hidden work of darkness" -though the actual and often-ritualistic deeds may be- for the selling and harming of children and young people is very real, personal, and nothing to be indifferent about.

I felt led to share about it, and why this movement vs any other...

A little less than a year ago I wrote my first Purpose Statement.

I had just read a book about defining your mission -whether it be for work, a project, or simply to add some meaning to your everyday life as you hone in on the gifts God has designed you with to use for His glory- and developing a statement that captured and conveyed the purpose of your vision.

One of the components to this statement was to realistically narrow down who would be reached/helped through your vision...

Under the heading-

Who Does My Vision Serve?

I listed several specific categories of individuals, ending with-

  • The hushed and silent.
Our culture - more pointedly the MSM - has an agenda, whether we choose to see it or not. That agenda is fed to us through a camera lens that only shows what the person(s) behind it chooses to reveal, and leaves a lot out- often including context, facts, and true motives (good or bad.)

What is emphasized and put before us by the MSM is 99.9% of the time done so in a way that will further this agenda and play with our minds and emotions if we are not grounded in and founded on the Word of God.

Therefore, my stance is that whatever the MSM is covering it and telling me to get vocal about is probably the last thing I need to be getting vocal about, and is meant to distract me from the few things that are truly worth getting vocal about; things that serve and make an eternal impact, as opposed to things that lead only to arguing, look to preserve "number one", and will not matter when this life is over.

Things like sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which serves the lost and deceived (and while many people will immediately point out that this is also a ripe argument-inducing topic, we are called to stand for and defend our faith, because it is founded in truth, and we know from the Bible that we are in an unavoidable spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12)...the difference between taking an unapologetic stand for the Gospel vs whatever the media pushes us to is that battles propagated by the media will be over temporary, earthly, opinion-based issues (politics/racism/scandal/whatever the latest hot button issue is that is causing offense - which do effect us, I know, but only because our culture has declined morally to the point that we almost don't know what to do if there isn't something controversial going on, and at the end of the day these shouldn't be what get the bulk of our attention or head-seating at the table of our priorities)...defending the Gospel is to defend truth, and if we are "ready always to give an answer" (1 Peter 3:15) that is biblically sound, we won't be looking for an argument but will know how to share lovingly, though undeniably and with conviction).

Things like the very real, uncomfortable, and over-looked issue of human trafficking, that is a business of darkness (both immoral and illegal) - organized by the enemy working in the hearts and minds of those who have allowed themselves to become susceptible to and puppeteer-ed by him rather than acknowledge the power of Jesus - and is effecting lives and souls every day.

To be vocal about this in order to spread awareness to those distracted by the agenda, and to support those who have dedicated their time and energy to rescuing as many as these precious (often little) ones from darkness is to serve the hushed and silent, those who cannot speak for themselves.

This is why I am vocal about the movement to End Human Trafficking and #savethechildren and choose not to get involved with most others; often the others only lasting purpose is to make you feel/look good for having said or done something that will make no true difference, while the "powers that be" smirk at your cooperation and turn a blind eye to another transaction going on behind the scenes or even in plain sight - though unnoticed, because they have so successfully desensitized our culture and trained it to only be aware of what they tell it to be. 

(Please note too that I am completely aware of other spiritual issues such as church persecution, underground churches, and the agenda against our churches even in the states. I don't downplay these, and am very aware of and prayerful for them; however, I shared my burden for helping the hushed and silent above to convey my personal passion and motivation to speak up in this area.)

So what are ways I can help? I'm glad you asked.

Anyone can (and should) be an instant agent in the mission to end this very real and alive-today slavery.

  • First and foremost, PRAY. PRAY. PRAY!
Pray for the children/young people who are being trafficked (whether blatantly or subtly; never argue that a young person may have been willing. Even if they go on their own it will be due to a slowly instilled dependence/fear, and even if they have been swayed to think they will enjoy/be benefited by it, God designed them with the same inbred conscious to know right from wrong that He has inbred in you and I that should move us to act rather than make unrealistic and passive excuses) and for children/young people in general, for protection, discernment, and courage.

Pray for those who are working with organizations and in our law enforcement to conduct rescues and bring justice.

Pray that predators will be intercepted and stopped. And- though it's not always easy- pray too for the souls of these same individuals involved in this wicked lifestyle/business, to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; every sin is sin enough to separate us from God, and is pardonable by His unmerited grace and forgiveness when true repentance takes place...Our God is a God of the seemingly impossible, and He can still work miracles today.

  • "Open thy mouth" for those unable to speak
Because our culture has worked so diligently to distract us from the real, pressing issues going on in the world, we must be willing to interrupt the hypnotic flow of the "agenda of the day" that is being filtered through every television, computer, and cellphone screen to share the hard truth about what is going on, to get the attention of those in our circles of influence. Will it make them uncomfortable? yes. Will you lose some "friends" or followers? possibly. Did Jesus ever tell us to do only what makes us comfortable and doesn't offend anyone? no. And He was willing to do much more and be much less liked and comfortable to rescue you.

  • Give
There are many organizations that you're rarely ever prompted to check out on your social media, as well as easy ways to donate to them on their websites - or searching for "end human trafficking" merch on Etsy (and other sites, I'm sure; speaking from experience) and scrolling through listings of shirts and products that the seller has committed to donating all or a percentage of the proceeds to these organizations for you. (I LOVE my shirt that I purchased from one such, pictured below!) It could be that you are an Etsy/craft mall/small business shop owner yourself, and the opportunity exists for you to do the same on some product you offer, or by hosting a fundraiser.

If/When you may be unable to give financially, another thing you can give is your time and attention; we're all on social media a lot -whether we like to admit it or not- so why not dedicate a portion of that time to simply showing up and being a "cheerleader" for people who have chosen to be a voice on their social media platform or who are actively involved with rescues? Find accounts who are spreading awareness, stating facts, and willing to share useful information on signs and lingo that you can be looking and listening for- the more we open our eyes and ears the less hidden these incidents become and the easier it becomes for them to be intervened- like and share their content (and oh hey, now you're a voice, too. :))

If you are interested in being a voice and/or a "cheerleader" but aren't sure where to start, please feel free to message me through @caitys.element on IG, or email me at caitys.element@gmail.com and I would be more than happy to send you a list of resources/accounts/organizations that I follow/support that are making a difference. It's amazing to witness the Lord working through those who have a burden to save His children from darkness.

It is a comfort to know that God is victorious and will make all things right in the end. This does not mean we should turn a blind eye or take for granted the seriousness of it, rather, we should speak more boldly and stand more firmly, knowing that "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4) and if God has chosen to use us, we should count it an honour, and serve well.

This isn't some "my opinion vs your opinion" fight that may get your feelings hurt and step on your toes; this is 800,000 children (a year) whose lives are in danger all around us, being sold and harmed all day and night- every day and night.

It's never a bad time to start speaking up for those who needed you to yesterday.

"Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"

-Isaiah 58:6-



Truly, He's a wonderful Saviour to me...

And the marvels of marvels is that He calls me beloved.

(This image makes an awesome phone wallpaper and is a great reminder to be constantly dwelling on!)

Friday, August 14, 2020

"Sorry, Not Sorry"

Funky Taco

It is possible to be in a funk and yet still find joy in the uncertain and mundane because our God is certain, and still working. <3

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Challenge Accepted

One of the positives I can take away from this season (referring to the COVID phase) is that I was able to reach my 2020 Goodreads challenge this early! Woohoo! It's always both fun and interesting to look back over the titles that were read in any given year and consider how each one left an impact or made an impression due to the season it was read it, and to remember favourite takeaways, scenes, quotes, and authors.

And just for fun! below are my challenges from back and back and back! (That's a reference from The Giver. FYI. ^_^)
You can see, as the years go so does the time on hand for reading; but it's important, so it's worth finding or making!


So grateful that whatever God allows us to go through, He goes before us and with us, putting purpose within it and helping us to see and grasp it as we go - if we're willing to see it.

We must get our eyes off our own petty trials and feelings and onto Him and all He has done and is able to do.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


I've read that the INFJ is a paradox and it's so true, especially as far as the frequent assumptions go...

People always assume that the INFJ are the quiet yet blunt type (which we are), but they are also the deeply sentimental, and when we're quiet it's sometimes because we feel fake in surface trivialities...get your INFJ friend talking about whimsical, somewhat deep, sentimental things, and you'll wish they were quiet. ;)

Monday, August 10, 2020

More of Christ, Less of Me

Our service for Christ is important - it's our purpose for living - but what the world needs to see and hear of first and foremost is Christ's work in and for us.

Our service should merely be an overflow of gratitude and  obedience to our creator.

His work is our testimony, and deserving of all praise and proclamation.

May we never forget.

Wonder of Wonders


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Chin Up, Buttercup

Times can be uncertain, but Jesus never is.
He is always the same.
Sometimes there must be clouds so we can better appreciate the sun. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Integrity of His Heart

"So He fed them out of the integrity of His heart..." Psalm 77:72

These last five words fill me with awe and overwhelming peace...

Because God is a God of integrity (honest, whole, undivided), I can trust that He will ALWAYS do as He promised; to doubt that He will come through and provide each of your needs is to question His sovereignty and to believe that He could fall short of who He is...if He has promised it, because of he integrity of His heart, He. Will. Do. It. And any amount of doubt, questioning, fearing, or complaining on our part will not make an iota of difference, except to make us more susceptible to the anxiety of the world.

Because God possesses a Holy integrity we can hardly fathom, we can say goodbye to the anxieties and worries of this world, and hello to the peace, joy, and rest found in relying on His promises.

Confident Dwelling

"Feeling confident in your own style and with your decor choices might take time. It helps to start with the courage to experiment and the inspiration to spark your ideas...what really matters in our home is how it feels to be there. A home is a place to dwell. It's a sanctuary that can invite us to be ourselves." 
-Melissa Michaels, Blogger and Author at The Inspired Room

Interior design/decorating is one of my low-key passions.
I enjoy combining it with my love for personalities and figuring people out; having a conversation with someone, asking them questions about them, and then creating vision boards on Pinterest for their home based off what they said- down to paint colours and wood tones, quirky flairs and subtle nods to their favourite book- and then watching their eyes light up when they open that board and feel an immediate connection.
Oh yeah.

Choosing House Guests

What are you focusing on today?

I've been learning so much during this time about focusing and refocusing my thoughts away from the "loop" any of us can easily get into, when we take one uncertainty and invite it into our brain to touch each surface and sneeze in each room, leaving us paranoid and afraid, as it intended. 
This is not how we are called to employ our thinking; our thinking was designed for greater things. It is not some unruly child that we get frustrated with and either simply let loose or pacify, but like any that must be disciplined and trained to do right...when the uncertainty and fear and worry creep up looking for an invite, we must instead take them captive and bring them to our landLord - God - and ask him to replace them with house guests that will aid us in honouring Him.
What thoughts are you letting slide, and which could you replace them with? We absolutely have control here (if we're dedicated to the task and willing to humbly seek help from the Lord) and have no excuses for the disorderly "guests" we ourselves have allowed to take residence; serve up those eviction papers and start inviting in promises, truth, peace, wonder, and joy.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Scribbled: A Journey

Though the entire process was long and intensively full of growth, the actual writing of "Gentle Revolution" was the quickest and easiest part...

I began feeling that God was laying certain things on my heart in 2017...starting with the title.
Thoughts and ideas would come to me at the oddest times, and I had them scribbled on scraps of paper...receipts...envelopes...napkins. All of which I just dropped into a notebook without sorting them because I was still in denial that they would ever become a book. ;)
After several years of gathering, learning, and procrastinating, God finally brought me to the point of surrendering to write and share what He had been leading me to.
I adopted a "sticky note" approach to writing, because it fit more with my butterfly tendency to flit from one thought to a next and get discouraged by a timeline...I took a day and a half and sorted all of my notes into the thoughts they carried and paper-clipped them together; these were my "chapters".
It was amazing how each day I sat at my laptop I felt an excitement and clarity about one or other of these specific thoughts, and the words would just come; and at the end I knew exactly where each should go to make the book flow.
Starting after I sorted my fieldnotes, the actual writing took eleven days.
God truly brought this together.
My prayer is that in reading it, you will be amazed as you notice the ways God is working in your life and what you have that He desires to use for His glory, as He has amazed me through this process and used it to enhance my wonder at His gracious control.

People Are Oceans

Another great tool for connecting with people today is in the study of personality...with all the tests and quizzes and assessments we now have to take deeper looks at how we and our fellow comrades operate, we have the opportunity to know each other better and better serve each other with our words, actions, and understanding.
My personal favourite is Myers Briggs.
I hope that you feel welcome here to share yours or your favourite quotes, quirks, or "problems" about your type.
Community is created through stories and our willingness to hear those of others...
I'm an INFJ.
And every bit of it. ;)


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Gentle Revolution

God is so good to continue working in us and giving us opportunities to surrender to whatever He may be asking us to do, even when we lamely bring up our weaknesses as excuses for being afraid.
He is patient, forgiving, and gracious to still let us be a part of His will...even when it takes a nationwide quarantine to get our cooperation.

“Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” 
Exodus 4:12

2+ years of thought/note gathering (ok, procrastination),
A handful of faithful friends and family encouraging me out of my comfort zone,
And buckets of coffee later...

Brought with a whimsical, sassy flair that I can't help, but ultimately from a heart of love...I'm so excited to share my project "Gentle Revolution" (GR - pronounced Jr. - for short), written and released during quarantine this past April!

(Check out the sidebar ad for a direct link to the Amazon listing!)

Burden + Conviction + Niche = Your Revolution

Living Testimony

Let ALL my life tell of Who YOU are, God...
The ups...
The downs...
The waiting...
The busy...
The tough...
The answered prayers...
The unsettled times....
May I respond to each of these and other times with humble reliance on God to do what He sees best, and with joyful, peaceful faith that will be a testimony of His presence in my life.

Is the way I react and respond in every situation telling those who may be watching that I know my Redeemer lives, and He is more than enough for me?

Emma - A Character Study

I've found -as an introvert and reader- that one of the easiest ways for me to connect with and get to know other people is to discuss our favourite fictional characters. 

"I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like." 
-"Emma", Jane Austen-

We all have characters from stories (be it book or movie) who we connect with and relate to for any number of reasons...
Sometimes it's completely- everything about them- sometimes it's in little ways that they act or even think, or even what we take away from between the lines and apply to our own lives.

Emma Woodhouse is one of those characters who I have always been drawn to, in her contradictory- and not all flattering- ways; she enjoys company and is generally good with people, but doesn't always have patience for them...she wants adventure, but loves her home/hometown...can talk to anyone, but is occasionally too blunt...she is mostly independent, but values relationships and is loyal to (and sometimes possessive of) her close friends...she is quick to deny needing anyone (particularly romantically) but wants to feel loved and needed.

Emma is such a reassuring heroine for me, because you can really start out not liking her much, but her character develops and grows so much over the course of the novel that by the end you feel proud of her and glad that she ended up with THE best hero in classic literature. 

"She was one of those, who, having once begun, would be always in love." 

(Also, the 2009 BBC mini series is the only worthy adaptation, in my opinion. ;))
Feel free to comment with some of your own fictional friends/mentors, or quotes about them...


Here it is.
Another blog from somebody with something to say or share...
They can all seem alike.
I can't - and wouldn't want to - guarantee that mine will be better, more interesting, or more popular than anyone else's; I can pretty much guarantee that you won't like everything I have to say and share...
But I will guarantee that in some maybe small way, it will be different.
Different because I bring to it my experiences, personality, and thoughts...just like everyone else.
This is why "giving it a go" in a sea of others "giving it a go" will always be worth it.
Thousands of people could be saying the same thing but for someone, your voice will be louder; clearer; the one that gets through and makes a difference.
It may have been said before, but has it been said by you?
Your element could solve someone's puzzling equation.
So here's mine...