I can tell you (and deep down you may already know) because it was at the end of mine.
You have found yourself at that tattered, biting bit of rope, and the reality that your desperate, sweaty grip can only hang on for so much longer...
And now you recognize God's loving, patient, steady hand...stretched out to you - ready to relieve you in arms that feel no weight - as it has been all along while you've been clinging to the rope...yourself...your job/finances...your friends...the government...the media...the church...anywhere but the stark truth of your own weakness and God's might.
I don't mean to imply that we always do this deliberately or out of spite; but how much easier if we would deliberately place our hand in His from the get-go, even before trouble comes.
Dwell in His hands. Don't just save them for a "rainy day."
The moment your hand leaves His, the clouds start gathering, and the downpour is inevitable.
His promises are true, weatherproof, and they don't tatter as rope does.