

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Unpopular Birthday Post

In recognition of my birthday, here are exactly 26 unpopular/controversial/random/goofy opinions or preferences I have and stand by. You're allowed to laugh, and you're allowed to disagree. The blog description says sass for a reason. ;) Enjoy. <3

26. Meat is better fully cooked, and it's not "cool" to prefer it rare.

25. Leggings aren't pants. Not saying you can't wear them...but they're not pants.

24. Anxiety is a feeling and we don't need to be prescribed and excused for it, we need mental discipline. (Scriptural, fyi.)

23. Femininity is still classy.

22. Women - at our core - actually do prefer men to be manly, as much as the culture insists we don't.

21. Lake over ocean. I love them both, but prefer the lake.

20. Church is essential.

19. Live streams are not church.

18. Pro-choice only advocates abortion, no "choice" about it.

17. Pride & Prejudice (2005)

16. You are not enough. Stop hiding behind validation. God is more than enough. Stop replacing/downplaying Him.

15. With that theme, "self love" is a garbage mindset.

14. You can pour from an "empty bucket" and love others before loving yourself.

13. Homeschooling was cool before 2020.

12. College is optional. Nothing wrong with it...nothing wrong without it.

11. I love my parents and value their input and wisdom.

10. Electing leaders must be done by considering policies rather than (assumed) character; true character will be revealed in advocated policies, and the effects of policies will outlast personality.

9. You're allowed to love pumpkin spice. Pumpkins were a thing before "basic" was.

8. In spite of what the modern "church" tells you, "love and peace" is not tolerance and blind gullibility.

7. The time to stand up for truth is always now.

6. The time to be honest is always up front.

5. New York is overrated. "Getting" to go there would not thrill me. At all.

4. Kids shouldn't have phones. They should have childhoods. Before being inevitably exposed to rampant immorality, predators, and social pressure.

3. You are allowed (and would be better off) to not believe everything the media tells you to believe, and think for yourself.

2. There is no such thing as "your truth" or "my truth." Truth is set, and God set it.

1. Christian, the best way for you to lead is to follow Jesus well. (He's done/does all for us, the least we can do is live for Him.)

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Wisdom for Which You Ask

You can tell a lot about a Christian's priorities, their need, and what sort of legacy they will leave behind based off the wisdom they ask for.

You can also tell a lot about a Christian's priorities, need, and legacy based off the wisdom they neglect to ask for.

Solomon was given the opportunity to receive whatever wisdom he asked for, and while the Bible tells us his request pleased the Lord, I can't help but wonder if God would have been just as if not even more pleased had Solomon included a request for wisdom in his home when he asked to have it in the throne.

If your social and professional standards don't mirror your personal, foundational, at home standards, you will eventually come down to the wire of these questions:

Where do your priorities lay, at their most raw?

What growth do you need, spiritually, in order to serve and live for God to the fullest?

What sort of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Seek God's wisdom for these areas.

Seek His guidance in detail, not just in a blanket request for help...He knows your needs, but you will grow in humility, faith, and contentment when you ask for His specific help and see Him work.