

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Gentle Revolution

God is so good to continue working in us and giving us opportunities to surrender to whatever He may be asking us to do, even when we lamely bring up our weaknesses as excuses for being afraid.
He is patient, forgiving, and gracious to still let us be a part of His will...even when it takes a nationwide quarantine to get our cooperation.

“Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” 
Exodus 4:12

2+ years of thought/note gathering (ok, procrastination),
A handful of faithful friends and family encouraging me out of my comfort zone,
And buckets of coffee later...

Brought with a whimsical, sassy flair that I can't help, but ultimately from a heart of love...I'm so excited to share my project "Gentle Revolution" (GR - pronounced Jr. - for short), written and released during quarantine this past April!

(Check out the sidebar ad for a direct link to the Amazon listing!)

Burden + Conviction + Niche = Your Revolution

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