

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Choosing House Guests

What are you focusing on today?

I've been learning so much during this time about focusing and refocusing my thoughts away from the "loop" any of us can easily get into, when we take one uncertainty and invite it into our brain to touch each surface and sneeze in each room, leaving us paranoid and afraid, as it intended. 
This is not how we are called to employ our thinking; our thinking was designed for greater things. It is not some unruly child that we get frustrated with and either simply let loose or pacify, but like any that must be disciplined and trained to do right...when the uncertainty and fear and worry creep up looking for an invite, we must instead take them captive and bring them to our landLord - God - and ask him to replace them with house guests that will aid us in honouring Him.
What thoughts are you letting slide, and which could you replace them with? We absolutely have control here (if we're dedicated to the task and willing to humbly seek help from the Lord) and have no excuses for the disorderly "guests" we ourselves have allowed to take residence; serve up those eviction papers and start inviting in promises, truth, peace, wonder, and joy.

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