

Here it is. Another blog from somebody with something to say or share... They can all seem alike. I can't - and wouldn't want to - g...

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Continual Hope, Continual Praise


“But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.” 

{Psalms 71:14}

Ebbing feelings do not undermine or determine the validity of our praise.

Your season of despair, doubt, loss, grief, pain, uncertainty, trouble, ups, downs, highs, or lows in no way changes the reality that Jesus gave His life for you- out of love and in showing grace, for we are oh so undeserving- so that you might have life and have it more abundantly. The Bible tells us in Matthew 26:39 that He would have passed that cup of a cruel death if there had been any other way to pay the price of our sins...but despite that momentary feeling, He gave us the greatest example of surrender to and contentment in the Fathers will that considers the big picture where we only see the hardship. "Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." (26:39b)

He is worthy of all and above our worship and adoration; even our ability to praise is a gift to us, as without Him providing the necessary sacrifice that we praise Him for in the first place we would face only hopelessness and separation from Him: a living death, until eternal death.

We can praise him in all circumstances because - even if He didn't use the good and bad ones for our benefit, which He faithfully does to grow us - He is our life-giver; supplier of our every breath and very being; our hope not only in this physical life, but of life for all eternity in His presence, though we so often take Him for granted.

Besides, what are valleys when He has moved mountains to shade you there?

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